Monday, October 20, 2014

Healing Sleep

Love can be a blessing or the curse that destroys an entire town.
Have you ever met someone and suddenly felt love or hate? Did you wonder why? What if you had forgotten the reason? Would you want to remember if it could save you life?
Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller-horror that combines a traditional ghost story with unique twists.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

New doesn't mean different

It's  strange way the mind works  This morning an ice cream truck came through the sub-division. It brought back memories of the first time I saw one. I was visiting family in East Lansing. The truck came through the sub-division, playing its annoying tune. To my cousins it was old hat. I found it amazing. It was like I just discovered ice cream. Even though there was ice cream bars in the freezer, I had to have one from the truck. I was a total shit. When the truck drove away, I pouted. The next day my Grandma gave in and bought me one. It tasted just the same as the one in freezer.

I wasted all that emotion energy and made everyone else miserable over something I already had just because it was delivered differently. How silly is that?

Love can be a blessing or a curse.
Have you ever met someone and suddenly felt love or hate? Did you wonder why? What if you had forgotten the reason? Would you want to remember if it could save you life? 

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriler-horror that combines a traditional ghost story with unique plot twists.



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Saturday, July 19, 2014

How to stop worry

The healing path has ruts in the road that we caused by our previous thoughts and actions. Getting stuck in them in easy.  It's comfortable, while the new is unknown and thereby scary. It is only when we have the courage to change our thought patterns and our actions that we are able to climb out of the ditches we dug and start moving forward.

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It can be easy if you choose to make it so.  Just like you ignore people you don't like or don't want to deal with so you should ignore those thoughts and negative impulses. When the would-have, should-have or could-have, and especially the what-ifs start running in you mind like an hamster on a wheel,  walk away.  Keep your mind and body busy with positive life affirming action.  Read a book.  Clean your house.  Take a walk.  Talk with friends, but keep the conversation positive and forward moving. 

Expect to fall back.  Some ruts, just like a car stuck in mud or snow,  you have to rock yourself out in order to get moving again.  It's okay.  Be kind to yourself and take each moment at a time.  No one is keeping score.

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Love can be a blessing or a curse.

Have you ever met someone and suddenly felt love or hate? Did you wonder why? What if you had forgotten the reason? Would you want to remember if it could save you life?
Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriler-horror that combines a traditional ghost story with unique twists.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The answer to my question

I had a dream last night.  There was a group of us getting off a really big bus.  There was an injured hawk lying on the ground. The first people, who got off, walk around or stepped over him. Others expressed sympathy but didn't stop to help.  I walked over to see what was wrong.  He shied away from me.  I sat down and put him on my lap.  He had an severe abrasion on his chest and a deep cut on his belly. Some told me that he should be put our of his misery.  I started doing Reiki on him. Others sat down and joined in.  The wound started to heal.  Someone brought a shiny pink liquid for him.  She gave him some--which he didn't like, but he heal the rest of the way.  He got up, turned into a bunny and raced around the field before coming back to say thank you.  I don't remember if he flew or hopped away.

The dream continued in my living room.  The ones who sat down and I were chatting.  The phone ran and it was the hawk.  He asked me what I learned.  It was all about anger and fear.  Anger and fear impedes the healing progress.  As long as you react with either you block your blessings.  He congratulated me for learning the answer to my question.  The house went dark and I woke up.

Last night I went to bed very angry and afraid. I was hurt by someone that I thought was a friend. She took advantage of my trust.  Last night I honestly asked why.  The dream gave me the anwer.  So I am asking for a favor.  It's not the one some are expecting.  I would very much  like all who read this to take a minute or two today to send energy or pray for her best and highest good. You don't need her name, just remember this message and the energy will go where and how it needs to.   Do not ask for a specific end result.  To do so would add in an expectation and attachment to the end result.  None of us needs that.   Some of you know the situation.  Those that don't, don't need to.  I have chosen to forgive her for hurting me.  I will still be seeking legal recourse for the money she owes me.  I did the work she hired me to do.  I deserve to be paid.