The healing path has ruts in the road that we caused by our previous thoughts and actions. Getting stuck in them in easy. It's comfortable, while the new is unknown and thereby scary. It is only when we have the courage to change our thought patterns and our actions that we are able to climb out of the ditches we dug and start moving forward.
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It can be easy if you choose to make it so. Just like you ignore people you don't like or don't want to deal with so you should ignore those thoughts and negative impulses. When the would-have, should-have or could-have, and especially the what-ifs start running in you mind like an hamster on a wheel, walk away. Keep your mind and body busy with positive life affirming action. Read a book. Clean your house. Take a walk. Talk with friends, but keep the conversation positive and forward moving.
Expect to fall back. Some ruts, just like a car stuck in mud or snow, you have to rock yourself out in order to get moving again. It's okay. Be kind to yourself and take each moment at a time. No one is keeping score.
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you ever met someone and suddenly felt love or hate? Did you wonder
why? What if you had forgotten the reason? Would you want to remember if
it could save you life?
Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriler-horror that combines a traditional ghost story with unique twists.