Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I only ask that you take what is valuable to you and leave the rest behind.

A wise woman told me today that when you deny the Divine's gifts, you loose part of yourself. I think I've always know that, but I was so focused on what I wanted that I over looked what I had.  This blog will be one of my ways of reclaiming that part of myself that I lost.

I'm an intuitive and empath.  I have always been able to see and hear beyond what most others could.  Not only could I see into other realms, but I have always had a knowing.  What I mean by knowing is that I just understood how to do things.  When I was seven years old I fixed the rubber gauge on my Grandmother pressure cooker, even through older family members tried and couldn't  I fixed the spark plug wires on my 1974 Mustang just because it seemed like the logical way to do it.  My computer knowledge is all self taught.  I know how to produce videos, typeset, and so much more, yet my entire computer training comes down to one friend telling me how to save and another telling me that my scanner was called a Twain.

On a professional level, I am a writer of both screenplays and books.  I am a producer and editor.  I have worked most jobs in television production, everything from running camera to pulling cables.  I'm very good at what I do, but what I do isn't who I am.

Who I am is a loving, intelligent, beautiful soul, who has walked the hard road and come out the other side.    In this blog I will share what I've learned and my perceptions.  If you have found your way here then you will find some of the answers you seek.

During this postings, I will sometimes be stepping aside and allowing the Divine to speak through me.  These channeled messages will be for me as well as for those who be lead to them.  They are not from me, but will come through me.

  I only ask that you take what is valuable to you and leave the rest behind.

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