Saturday, August 10, 2013

I choose the path of love, hope, and happiness

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It's not just Lakota than need to learn how to leave the past behind. Each of us has to decide what kind of life and future we want for ourselves.  If we hang on to the past, we can have no future.  If you hang on the the pain, we will not heal.  If we allow others to control how we see ourselves, we will never know how wonderful we are because we will always be standing in someone else's shadow.

As for me, I release the pain of the past and those who caused it with forgiveness and love.  I don't need to remember all the details.  It is enough for me to know that it was.  But I also know that it is no longer.  Every day I wake and seek to find the miracles of the day.  Every night I say a prayer for the miracles that came to me and through me.  I doing so I choose the path of love, hope and happiness.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Today I choose to be happy

Today I choose to be happy, Today I choose to be kind to myself. Today I will be grateful for this time of rest. Today I easily forgive myself and others. Today I will honor my gifts by using them to help myself and others. Today I choose to gently with the universal energy Today I gratefully accept many blessings. Today is a miracle that will not come again so I will enjoy it to the fullest.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fear and self doubt are the greatest challenge

Fear and self doubt are the greatest challenges most people face.  The would-have, could-have, and should-have run through our minds link a hamster in a wheel.  And like the hamster in the wheel, they use up a lot of energy, but really get us no where.

So what to do about it?  We can give in and beat ourselves up or we can confront them and in doing so address our self-defeating core issues.  It sounds easy and it can be if we let it.  The key is will we let it.

Today was a good day, but I started to fall back into the poverty mentality of worrying about tomorrow, next week... yada-yada-yada-yada. It's one of the reasons, I stepped back to write this.  I need to remind myself to put my energy into what I am creating, stead of worrying about the future.

I have learned that we fear, we create.  The same as what we believe in also manifests when it comes from our heart.  The old adage be careful what you wish for is very true.  The Divine creates whatever we ask of it  It is also true that we were never meant to walk our paths alone.  No one can face our challenges for us, but we were meant to help each other with those challenges. 

These two concepts come together in my favorite of all movies, Roger and Hammerstein's 1965 Cinderella. On this day and in this moment, I release my fears.  I open my heart to love and trust.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Being Told No Can be a Blessing

I have learned that being told no can bring about the best and highest good in your life.  At the time we might not like to hear it or have say it, but in the long run I have found there was a reason.   Sometimes we have to look for the reason, but more often than not the reason presents itself in the form of a new opportunity or the revelation of how unhealthy what we wanted was for us.

When I was looking for my home, I originally found a ranch in Interlochen.  It relatively new and located in a wooded subdivision.  The deal was set.  The night before we were sign the papers the owner called me, which was highly unethical to go around the real estate agent, and tried to change the terms.  I told him no.  The price was set.  The deal fell through.  I was disappointed.  The next morning my agent called about another house.  It was much cheaper, but we had a deadline to get the paperwork in.  Within two hours, I was looking at it.  It was strange because when I walked in and left a muddy footprint.  By four o'clock it was mine. That was 21 years ago.

About 4 years ago, I was a big Days of Our Lives fan.  I had watched it for decades, but the writing had gotten so bad that watching it had become more of a pain that a source of enjoyment.  It had been a long time since I wrote script.   After watching the crap on the screen, I knew I could do better without trying.  So I started writing an alternative storyline.  I posted it on the NBC boards.  It was a ghost story that used the veteran actors and the show's history to create a ghost story.  Nearly everyone loved it and wanted me to continue.  I had fans from around the world who wanted me to be the new head writer.  I did apply.  I wasn't told no--it was hell no!  

I didn't get the job, but I did reclaim a part of myself that I had misplaced.  I loved writing script.  I was also very good at it.  Through a series of coincidences I created the TV series Operation Home Base..  After which I rewrote my paranormal thriller Never Can Say Good-bye.

The strange thing is that while looking for producers for them, I became a producer myself.  One day I woke up and realized that I had been doing the job  for months.  I claimed the title, the job, and the new future.  And I'm very good at it.

Each time being told no, brought something better for me.  No was a blessing in disguise.   That is how I'm choosing to see the financing for Never Can Say Good-bye.  We've had it three times.  This last time I turned it down, because there is some money you really don't want to be associated with.  I choose to have the courage to believe tha the real 5.7 million USD will appear and we will be in front of the cameras mid August..

  " Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon

Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet for the life of you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film with the  logline love and hate survives death

Please like our Facebook page:
Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I only ask that you take what is valuable to you and leave the rest behind.

A wise woman told me today that when you deny the Divine's gifts, you loose part of yourself. I think I've always know that, but I was so focused on what I wanted that I over looked what I had.  This blog will be one of my ways of reclaiming that part of myself that I lost.

I'm an intuitive and empath.  I have always been able to see and hear beyond what most others could.  Not only could I see into other realms, but I have always had a knowing.  What I mean by knowing is that I just understood how to do things.  When I was seven years old I fixed the rubber gauge on my Grandmother pressure cooker, even through older family members tried and couldn't  I fixed the spark plug wires on my 1974 Mustang just because it seemed like the logical way to do it.  My computer knowledge is all self taught.  I know how to produce videos, typeset, and so much more, yet my entire computer training comes down to one friend telling me how to save and another telling me that my scanner was called a Twain.

On a professional level, I am a writer of both screenplays and books.  I am a producer and editor.  I have worked most jobs in television production, everything from running camera to pulling cables.  I'm very good at what I do, but what I do isn't who I am.

Who I am is a loving, intelligent, beautiful soul, who has walked the hard road and come out the other side.    In this blog I will share what I've learned and my perceptions.  If you have found your way here then you will find some of the answers you seek.

During this postings, I will sometimes be stepping aside and allowing the Divine to speak through me.  These channeled messages will be for me as well as for those who be lead to them.  They are not from me, but will come through me.

  I only ask that you take what is valuable to you and leave the rest behind.